Boston is a city known for its highly sought-after roof decks. Although the months for their use are limited, there is nothing quite like watching fireworks on The Fourth from your coveted roof deck. Also, most Boston realtors will agree a roof deck can be a great selling feature.
Boston has many rules and regulations regarding the installation of these structures, and your clients should be apprised of the major ones.

First, all Boston roof decks must be secured to the roof frame itself. That means NO free-standing decks! This is a safety issue as high winds could blow the structure off the roof. No one likes dodging falling decks on their way to work in the morning.
Second, you will need to contact Boston Zoning Board of Appeals and verify setbacks to determine where you can place your roof deck. If your contractor suggests not pulling a permit to get around this, you would be unwise to follow suit. Boston inspectors are constantly on the lookout for these structures and fines for noncompliance can be hefty. You will also need drawings with a stamp from a licensed architect/structural engineer.
Third, if your roof deck railing is visible at all from the street you may need to ensure that portion which is visible be wrought-iron railing. Check with Landmarks to see if you will be required to do this.